How to Make Rational Decisions under Pressure

The ability to make clear, strategic decisions under pressure is a crucial skill for leaders. This video explores a systematic decision-making framework designed to help leaders navigate complex scenarios effectively. One proven approach highlighted is the use of decision matrices, a method that brings clarity and systematic analysis when stakes are high. The video uses the NASA Apollo 13 crisis as a real-life example, demonstrating how the decision matrix allowed the team to evaluate options, prioritize problems, and choose a course of action that maximized crew safety and mission success.

By breaking down the decision-making process into manageable steps, the decision matrix reduces the influence of bias and emotion. Leaders list all possible solutions to a problem, establish crucial criteria, evaluate each option, and select the highest-scoring solution. This structured approach ensures more consistent, effective outcomes, empowering leaders to cut through the noise, focus on what truly matters, and execute decisions with confidence.

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